Sunday 8 January 2012

#2 - Studded Shorts & Chunky Heels.

Ok, so a few months ago I became OBSESSED with studded shorts. I’d seen them in magazines, on models, etc. They’re not everyone’s cup of tea but I think they look really cute and vintage. So I decided to make my own! All I did was get an old pair of skinny, light blue Levi jeans and cut them into the shape of shorts. Reworked the front so they looked frayed/distressed, and bought a pack of 100 clothing studs from Ebay for £3.99. It was really easy to do. I’ll talk you through the steps of how to create the near-perfect studded look on shorts.
Step 1 – Find an old pair of jeans, preferably an old, oversized pair that might be too big for you to create the oversized look once the shorts are cut to size. Cut them to the shape you’d like and make sure you feel comfortable in them whatever length you may decide to create.
Step 2 – Reworking your shorts to create the distressed look is the perfect way to create the studded shorts look. Get yourself a pair of dressmaking scissors, or a sharp knife (please don’t hurt yourself!) and choose the spot where you want your shorts to look frayed, the most popular area to fray shorts is at the bottoms, but you can fray them anywhere. Lay your shorts on a flat surface that won’t be damaged easily (please make sure you iron the shorts first). Hold the scissors/knife vertically and begin to fray by rubbing up and down with the end of the scissors/knife in a vertical motion. You should start to notice the layer of cloth/stitching will begin to wear off and start to come lose, continue along the bottoms of the shorts (both sides) to create the look you desire. P.s, if you wash and dry the shorts and you’re not happy with the design you’ve chosen, repeat the process again to create a more ragged and distressed look.
Step 3 – Studding your shorts! (The final step!) – for the look I created, I purchased studs that look like this.
The two teeth at the sides help to pierce through the thin layer of the jeans so they come through the other side. With either a knife, or preferably a thimble, push the two teeth towards the material so it’s pushed into the material and locked into place (if you don’t do this properly you’ll find that they’ll scratch your skin depending on the area of the shorts you want to stud.) Repeat this process to create the studded look anywhere you choose to place them.
Annnnnnnnnnd, ALACAZAM! Studded shorts are created and finished! This is what mine looked like.

As for the 2nd part of my blog post – the Chunky Heels. These studded shorts look perfect with a pair of thick black tights, an oversized aran jumper, or top tucked in, and for gorgeous feet, these beauties:

I purchased these about 2 months ago for £29.99 from a seller on Ebay. By far THE best purchase ever. They go with practically everything and look gorgeous. The heel is 5″ but they’re not uncomfortable at all! These, in my opinion are the perfect shoes to match the perfect outfit!

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